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Angela Sasse

Angela Sasse FREng is the Professor of Human-Centred Security at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, at University College London, UK. She read psychology in Germany before obtained an MSc in Occupational Psychology from Sheffield University and an PhD in Computer Science from the University of Birmingham. She started investigating the causes and effects of usability issues with security mechanisms in 1996. Her 1999 seminal paper with Anne Adams, Users are Not the Enemy, is one of two papers that founded the research area of usable security. Prof. Sasse was the founding Director of the UK Research Institute for Science of Cyber Security (RISCS – from 2012-2017. RISCS promotes multidisciplinary evidence-based research into the effectiveness of cyber security policies and measures, and is supported by the NCSC and EPRSC. She is a Fellow of the British Computer Society (BCS) and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2015.

At the Human-Centred Security chair at Ruhr-University Bochum headed by Prof. Dr. M. Angela Sasse the research focus is on human factors in IT-Security. The working group for example investigates how user requirements must be taken into account in software development, how people can optimally interact and communicate with automated systems, or what role the human factor plays in the security of IT systems. Therefor research at the interface between technology, psychology and economics is conducted by an interdisciplinary team of researchers.