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Rebecca Panskus

Rebecca Panskus is a PhD student in IT-Security and part of the Digital Sovereignty Group at Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany. She completed her bachelor’s and master’s degree in IT-Security at Ruhr-University Bochum, with a thematic focus on Human-Centred Security. Her research now focuses on investigating the IT-Security and Privacy behavior and habits of teenagers and pupils.

At the Human-Centred Security chair at Ruhr-University Bochum headed by Prof. Dr. M. Angela Sasse the research focus is on human factors in IT-Security. The working group for example investigates how user requirements must be taken into account in software development, how people can optimally interact and communicate with automated systems, or what role the human factor plays in the security of IT systems. Therefor research at the interface between technology, psychology and economics is conducted by an interdisciplinary team of researchers.